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Privacy Notice

Last modified: May 16, 2022

Our confidentiality and privacy policies for the protection of personal data and this privacy notice (hereinafter, the Notice) are in strict compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, its Regulations, and the Privacy Notice Guidelines so that you can know our commitment and responsibility to protect the data you provide us. You have this Notice available at all times on our website and can access the content of the data protection regulation through the portal of the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection

This privacy notice applies to the specific page of which will be referred to from now on as this website. You have this Notice available at all times on our website and can access the content of the data protection regulation through the portal of the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection

Identity and address of the responsible party

Grupo Aduanero Del Bravo S.A. de C.V. (hereinafter, “Del Bravo”), with address at Perú 371 Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas México C.P. 88209 and is responsible for collecting your personal data, the use that is given to them, and their protection.

Information Collection

As a visitor to this website, you are not required to provide personal information. This website only collects personal information that is specifically and voluntarily provided by each visitor. This information may consist of, but is not limited to, your name, current position, your company's address, your email address, and your phone number. As a visitor, you are not required to provide personal information to use this website. Our website collects the information that each user wishes to voluntarily provide through the contact form published at: in case the user wants to contact us. This information consists of the type of product or service you require from us, your name, your phone number, your corporate and/or personal email address. On this site, we do not request sensitive information (e.g., data related to race, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, criminal background, physical or mental health, or sexual orientation) from visitors. If necessary, we will obtain your express and written consent to collect and use such information.

Log Information, Cookies, and Web Beacons

This site collects standardized log information, including your IP address, browser type, language, access times, and website addresses. To ensure that this website is well managed and to facilitate better navigation, we or our service providers may use cookies (small text files stored in the user's browser) or web beacons (electronic images that allow counting visitors who have accessed a particular page and access certain cookies) to collect aggregated data. For additional information on how we use cookies and other tracking technologies and how they can be controlled, you can review our Cookies Use Notice.

Purposes of Processing

The personal data collected on this website may be used to fulfill the rights and obligations of the legal-commercial relationship derived from the service you have requested from Del Bravo, including the following: (i) identification of the applicant; (ii) credit analysis; (iii) payment processing; (iv) providing the services expressly contained in the terms and conditions; (v) sending notifications related to the contracted service; (vi) attention to inquiries, doubts, clarifications, or claims; and (vii) compliance with legal provisions including the Federal Consumer Protection Law and its Regulations. Additionally, for secondary purposes, personal data may be used for marketing, advertising, and offering promotions of products and services of Del Bravo.

Personal Data Processed

To carry out the proper realization of the purposes described in this Notice, we may collect, possess, and use your identification, contact, work, and financial personal data, which may be collected personally, directly, or indirectly through any of the following means:

  1. Application forms for the financial product or service you wish to contract;
  2. Personal interview
  3. Electronic means
  4. Phone call(s) from our executives
  5. Credit Information Societies.

Del Bravo may conduct the investigations and actions it deems necessary to verify through any third party, agency, or authority, the truthfulness of the data provided.

Data Transfers

Del Bravo may transfer your personal data to Mexican or foreign third parties when the transfer (i) is provided for in a law or treaty to which the United Mexican States is a party; (ii) is made to controlling, subsidiary, or affiliated companies under the common control of Del Bravo or to a parent company or any company of the same group that operates under the same internal processes and policies; (iii) is necessary by virtue of a contract concluded or to be concluded in the interest of the holder, by Del Bravo and a third party; (iv) is necessary or legally required for the safeguarding of a public interest, or for the procurement or administration of justice; or (v) is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of a legal relationship between Del Bravo and the holder.

The transfer of data may involve the disclosure or transmission of your personal data collected on this website to entities or organizations located in countries or regions without data protection standards similar to those in force in your area of residence. Your personal information may also be disclosed to authorities, regulatory or other government agencies, or third parties, if necessary to comply with obligations or requirements of the competent authority.

ARCO Rights

If you wish to stop receiving information for marketing, advertising, and promotions or intend to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition of your personal data, you may request it at any time by sending an email to

The request must contain and accompany the following: (i) The name of the holder and address or other means to communicate the response to your request; (ii) The documents that prove the identity or, where appropriate, the legal representation of the holder; (iii) The clear and precise description of the personal data regarding which you seek to exercise any of the aforementioned rights; and (iv) Any other element or document that facilitates the location of personal data. In case of requesting the rectification of personal data, in addition to the already mentioned requirements, the holder must indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documents that support their request.

Once the request is received, Del Bravo will communicate within a maximum period of 20 days, counted from the date the request was received, the determination adopted, so that, if appropriate, it is made effective within the 15 days following the date the response is communicated. The aforementioned period may be extended once for an equal period in cases that justify it.

Modifications to the Notice

Del Bravo reserves the right to make any modifications to this Notice. These modifications will be announced through any of the following means: (i) a message to the email provided; or (ii) published on this website

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